Mitya Belkin

2can Cloud

Scope of Work

Web platform redesign


Figma, Adobe Ps

2can Cloud is a comprehensive cloud solution that seamlessly integrates inventory management, payment processing, and holistic business sales monitoring. As a UX/UI designer, my role involved crafting a design system to unite the separate service branches, establishing a fresh visual UI style, and designing a new summary screen. Over the course of a year, we managed to reduce the number of UI components by 70% and successfully created a cohesive design system.

The journey of a new user begins with onboarding, a process that involves multiple steps. In each step, I strived to make the experience clear and friendly. Illustrations by Anastasia Tsaplina

The centerpiece of the new design system is the dashboard screen. It was especially important to consider the actual priority of functionality and reflect it in the layout. Additionally, we needed to provide entry points for new users to get started with the system.

Given the high interface complexity, my focus was on maintaining maximum visual simplicity. In the color palette, I adhered to black-and-white solutions with accent points, and in typography, I implemented a structured system for headings and paragraphs.

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